01. Register in Exotel Link : https://my.exotel.in/auth/register Register your account from above link, and fill all the details. 02. Get your authentication details Login with your username and password, and Go to https://my.exotel.in/indiantts/settings/site#api-settings page. Get your Exotel SID and Exotel TOKEN, these details will require…
IndianTTS using Twilio PHP
01. Register in twilio Link : https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio Register your account from above link, and fill all the details. 02. Get your authentication details Login with your username and password, and Go to https://www.twilio.com/console page. Get your ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN, this details will required…
01. Register in Exotel Link : https://my.exotel.in/auth/register Register your account from above link, and fill all the details. 02. Get your authentication details Login with your username and password, and Go to https://my.exotel.in/indiantts/settings/site#api-settings page. Get your Exotel SID and Exotel TOKEN, these details will require…
Ms Pranoti Utekar work for rural area on IVR facility. Its use to know farmers Water pump status, means farmers want his water pump’s status at that time this IVR use. Farmer can check any time in his mobile using our Indian TTS.…
It is time for technology and innovation everywhere, worldwide. Our population is flourish with youth and that’s why today we can see a dream to be a growth engine and guide the rest of developing nations. The world is going to be a…